Pomegranate Shea Butter Bar Soap

SKU: MAN2796

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4" L x 2.75" W x 2" H


Text found in image: pomegranate shea butter bar soap, naturally moisturising with essential oils, Mangicotti, 6 oz. / 170 g

Colors: soft pink, white, hints of green and yellow, red accents, pastel shades

Additional Info: Botanical Elegance - This image showcases a luxurious and elegant theme with a focus on botanical and natural elements. The softly colored packaging evokes feelings of tranquility and nature, making it an inviting addition to any guest bathroom. The inclusion of pomegranate illustrations emphasizes a fresh, fruity, and rejuvenating experience. - shea butter, natural ingredients, moisturising, essential oils, pomegranate, guest bathroom, elegant design, botanical, luxury soap, pastel packaging

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